Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Brotherly Love"

It has been a long time since I've posted anything on our family blog.  Life is so busy with two little boys running around.  Henry (just 12 months now) is so close to actually walking so I really will be in for it pretty soon.  He just wants to do everything Grayson does.  Funny story about this morning...Grayson was calmly sitting in his little rocking chair watching Ratatouille while I made breakfast.  I knew Henry was over there watching too, but I didn't think anything of it until I heard him crying a bit.  I look over the couch and find Grayson sitting on top of him using him as a chair! I proceeded to give Grayson and time out and rescue Henry from his big brother.  Unfortunately this isn't the first time I've found Henry is this compromising position...not the last either, I'm afraid.  Boys are an interesting breed.  I'm learning a lot about boys (especially since I was 1 of 3 girls).  It's so evident that there are huge differences between genders.  I just pray everyday that the Lord gives me the wisdom and patience to know how to teach and love these little guys.  Happy Wednesday everyone.

We are getting ready to leave on a trip to Mexico so that should be fun and exciting.  I'll take lots of pics and post funny stories, as I'm sure there will be some memorable times.  That's all for now :)

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