Monday, January 16, 2012

Babymoon in Oahu!

Steve and I have decided it would be a great way for us to remember fun family adventures by creating a blog.  We are happy to share our family trips, memories, and funny stories with you as our family grows up, expands, and enjoys life!

Steve and I are currently in Oahu (sans Grayson)  enjoying some downtime together and enjoying all that the island has to offer us.  We had a great day yesterday as we drove around the whole island.  I took lots of photos, which will be posted here, and we took in the sights, smells, and delicious food of this tropical paradise.

We started our Hawaiian getaway (on Saturday January 14th) with a sunset dinner cruise along the beautiful Waikiki coastline with views of the Honolulu Skyline and Diamond Head Mountain.  It was a little on the cheesy side (maybe we were tired from just getting off a plane) but we laughed and enjoyed all the crazy Japanese tourists living it up! One young dad in particular was not afraid to get out there and dance and try to get everyone else to join him.  The sunset was particularly amazing that night.  One couple who had been on the island a few days mentioned it was the most beautiful sunset they had seen yet!  We both love to be on the water and enjoyed our time immensely!

Sunday morning we grabbed a yummy cup of coffee and took a stroll along Waikiki Beach.  We were feeling quite adventurous and thought we would take a drive around the island.  Neither Steve nor I had been to the other parts of the island so we set off on a "3 hour tour..a 3 hour tour..."  We had no agenda just to drive and see whatever we saw along the way.  We saw one of the most amazing beaches ever with the contrast of that dark volcanic rock dropping right into the cool blue ocean and the gorgeous white sands of the beach.  It was so windy there that from our view point (off the road) I had to brace myself onto the guard rail to help keep my camera steady.

We meandered our way around the island finally making it to the famous North Shore.  We had heard that eating at a  "Shrimp truck" was the way to go.  We had one truck on our radar, but when Steve saw signs for BBQ corn, which happened to be right next to Giovanni's Shrimp truck (and a huge lot of cars) we chose to stop there.  What an amazing stop it was!  We both ate 2 ears of corn ($3 each), 1 bag of coconut ($2), 1 bag of freshly sliced Papaya ($2).  We walked over to the shrimp truck to find we only had enough money left over for 1 full order of the Scampi Shrimp and a half order of the shrimp with lemon and butter.  Steve was a little cranky thinking we had drove 3 hours only to have to share a meal...much to his surprise we both had plenty to eat and left very satisfied!  

We were on the North Shore so I wanted to check out the famed Turtle Bay Resort.  I was not overly impressed with the resort, but they had a lovely beach where we camped out all afternoon and soaked in the sun and cool water.  

We showered off on the beach and then changed our clothes in the car- all fresh and ready to continue our adventure in the cute surf town of Haleiwa.  We had a wonderful dinner at Haleiwa Joe's and enjoyed another beautiful sunset.  The rain came down on our way home, but we pulled into Waikiki tired and feeling fulfilled from a fun-filled day.

It's Monday morning MLK Day.  There is a parade going by our hotel this morning so people already have their chairs set up to see the event.  We decide to walk on foot to this great breakfast place I found on yelp.  Diamond Head Market and Grill was off the beaten tourist path (which I was happy about) and amazing food!! We spend $28 for an amazing breakfast.  Steve had to get a Loco Moco and I was dying to try their Banana pancakes.  They also served Peet's Coffee so we knew it was the place for us! A wonderful little joint at the base of Diamond Head Mountain; not a bad start to a wonderfully sunny and warm morning.  

It was time to walk back to Waikiki but my new TOM's shoes, that I decided to break in this morning on our walk, were already giving me blisters.  We saw a city trolley approaching and happily jumped on for a $4 ride back to our hotel.  I think the combination of a long drive yesterday and a lumpy uncomfortable bed had caused my hips to go into spasm again.  This momma was not feeling too hot.  Thank God my dad told me I could take Vicodin!  

Now it is lunch time and after laying on heat and ice and catching a quick nap, this adventurous twosome are ready to hit the island again! We are in search of a snorkel spot so are heading to Haunama Bay.  

If you have stuck with me on our first blog post, Thank You! I know it was a long one, but I figured, if anything I can look back on this trip and really enjoy the memories more if I remembered some the of the small details that I would have otherwise forgotten.  

My point in keeping this blog is to document adventures both big and small in our everyday lives.  Most days our life with a toddler and one one the way is not very exciting, but I figure if I can find beautiful things along the way to enjoy and remember, it will make this thing called life a lot more enjoyable and memorable.  

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