Monday, January 23, 2012

Looking back on our trip to Oahu, Steve and I had some really great down time together as a couple.  It's so nice to step away from the busyness of life and work to come back together and remember the things that are important in this life- your relationships.  He's my very best friend (aside from my amazing sisters!) and I need to make sure I get plenty of time and energy to put back into our union.

A couple funny (and unfortunate) things happened on our last day in Oahu that I wanted to share.  Tuesday (the day I was leaving) we got up super early because we had decided to go snorkeling and the famous Hanauma Bay.  We left by 7:15am, just after sunrise, and headed east on the highway.  It was a 30 minute drive to the State Park.  I was using google maps on our iPhones to help us navigate, getting more and more excited the closer we got.  We turned the bend and saw orange cones at the entrance.  "Park Closed on Tuesday".  Nooooo! It was our last day! How could the park be closed!! At this point, Steve and I vaguely remembered the concierge telling us the park was closed on Tuesdays, but hadn't thought about it that morning until we got there.  I was sooooo bummed!  I really wanted to snorkel with the fish.  My friend Deb had told me the day before how amazing all the fish were and how they would just swim right up to you! My excitement was dashed! Here it was at 7:45am.  I was up.  I had my bikini on and I was ready to go.  Oh well, guess we had to just head back to Waikiki instead.

We went back to our hotel and got showered and ready to go and then headed back to The Diamond Head Market and Grill for another fabulous breakfast of Banana Pancakes with Coconut Syrup!  We pulled up to the joint and put in our order and visited with the lady, Lani, who remembered us from the day before.  Promptly after we ordered we noticed a closed sign in the window.  Man! We made it just in time for breakfast.  They stopped serving at 10:30.  So glad we didn't miss out on those amazing pancakes too!  I'm definitely going to try to duplicate them at home!

We headed for the airport and momma was happy with a full belly and an amazing time with my hubby fresh in my mind.  I can hardly wait to go back with Grayson when we can all go snorkeling together!  Mom promised to come watch the new baby...I'm going to remind you of that conversation mom :)  Don't think they will think twice!


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